Mutual Faith Between the Leader and the Lead

July 17, 2017

With the speed of change today, a five-year plan will already be obsolete within a few months. Time is of the essence to adapt to change and innovation, meaning leaders must be on the cusp of development. Two initial qualities for alert leaders are: faith in oneself and faith in others.

Faith in oneself embraces belief in personal creativity, the ability to assess a situation with a fresh view and possible new insights. This is not necessarily an immediate response but rather a mindful awareness of any potential an event might offer. Belief in oneself is the comfortable ease of mind a leader enjoys in one’s present environment. It is not an arrogance of superiority but a humility of being connected to life.

The corollary faith in others accompanies self-belief when respect for colleagues is an extension of one’s faith in the goodness of human beings. Belief in others is fundamentally a trust in the abilities of others to express themselves in achieving their own sense of worth through productive engagement. A leader of trustworthy colleagues understands the collaboration necessary for building successful enterprises.

For all the success of high-performance organizations, it is the leader who ultimately facilitates the organization’s achievements. Leaders who trust their own personal faith and extend that faith to colleagues are those who initiate a dynamic progression toward enhanced and improved performance.

Today’s high-performance leaders must lean into this social connection with others to harvest the wealth of collaboration in organizations that stay on top. Leaders like Tim Brown (2009) of Design Thinking – IDEO and Roger Martin (2009) of The Opposable Mind have opened leaders to what is happening and should be happening in their challenging world of corporate competition.

Social connection + mutual faith = a winning combination.

Join us at Crowned Grace International in Linking Leaders to Business Results!

De Waal, A.A., (2007). The Characteristics of a High-Performance Organizations, Business Strategy Series, volume 8, number 3, 2007 (Emerald)

Brown, Tim, (2009). Change by Design, How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation, Harper/Collins, New York

Martin, Roger (2009). The Opposable Mind, Winning through Integrative Thinking, Harvard Business Press, Boston, PA

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