What IS Leadership?

February 22, 2012

There are many definitions of leadership, possibly because there are so many different aspects of leadership and so many ways to conceptualize leadership. However, there are common elements that form the core of the phenomenon of leadership: it is a group phenomenon; it involves influence; it is goal directed and action-oriented; and it is a process. (Northouse, 2010 & Nahavandi, 2012). With those elements in mind, let’s define leadership asĀ “a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal” (Northouse, 2010).

We need your inputs and opinions for the March edition of The New Face of Leadership.

We will collate and report results for multiple choice questions. The last question is an optional short essay opinion question. We will feature selected responses to this question (about 250 words + digital photo and short byline) in the opinion column Based on Your Experience.

Thanks for your participation!!


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