It’s easy to understand and beat the drum for the big ethical mishaps. It’s not at all difficult to identify the big no-no’s — insider trading, sexual harassment, environmental violations, stealing etc. These situations don’t just happen. They begin as a slow drip or leak, that left untended turn into a soggy mess. All those little dilemmas, those situations that “just don’t feel right” are just the first raindrop in a “storm of scorn”.
A great source of education, information and resources on business ethics is the Ethics Resource Center (ERC), a private, non-profit organization devoted to research and advancement of ethical standards and practice. They conduct a biennial survey of ethics programs and issues, the National Business Ethics Survey (NBES). The survey and additional reports can be downloaded at
We need your inputs and opinions for the April edition of The New Face of Leadership. We will collate and report results for multiple choice questions. The last question is an optional short essay opinion question. We will feature selected responses to this question (about 250 words + digital photo and short byline) in the opinion column Based on Your Experience.
Thanks for your participation!!