Jack Welch said “Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.” An organization with a clearly articulated purpose, mission and vision will not be derailed by the ‘unimportant urgencies’ and will stay focused on the core business values. For successful businesses, this is the thing that does not change.
The terms “purpose, mission, vision” often mean different things when viewed from different perspectives–we want to hear what you think!!
We need your inputs and opinion for the July edition of The New Face of Leadership. Questions 2-4 are multiple choice and we will collect and report the results in tabular or chart form.
Question #5 is an optional short essay opinion question. We will feature selected responses to this question (about 250 words + digital photo and short byline) in the opinion column.
Thanks for your participation!!