Moving from individual contributor to front-line manager for the first time is a significant transition. Today’s business environment often fails to provide the support and leadership development training necessary to aid the front-line leaders during this important transition, often with negative consequences for the entire organization. Now more than ever, in flatter organizations, more responsibilities have been pushed down to the front-line manager,where the ‘rubber meets the road’. This individual represents the corporate leadership for each of his/her direct reports, as well as the customers, suppliers and other corporate stakeholders every day. Organizations would do well to refocus leadership development efforts at a level of the organization positioned to powerfully impact the tactical, day-to-day performance of employees and influence the impression of customers and other key stakeholders.
We need your inputs and opinions for the April edition of The New Face of Leadership.
We will collate and report results for multiple choice questions. The last question is an optional short essay opinion question. We will feature selected responses to this question (about 250 words + digital photo and short byline) in the opinion column Based on Your Experience.
Thanks for your participation!!