Corporate culture, is defined as “a pattern of basic assumptions that are considered valid and that are taught to new members as the way to perceive, think and feel in the organization.” (Nelson & Quick, 2011) At its most basic, corporate culture is about how an organization gets things done. Although an intangible, it is a critical asset that can either help or hinder a company’s competitive strategy. John Kotter stated “corporate culture can contribute meaningfully to financial results, and many people do not give this fact enough attention”. From that perspective, how does an organization strategically manage their corporate culture for positive business results?
We need your inputs and opinions for the April edition of The New Face of Leadership. We will collate and report results for multiple choice questions. The last question is an optional short essay opinion question. We will feature selected responses to this question (about 250 words + digital photo and short byline) in the opinion column Based on Your Experience.
Thanks for your participation!!